How to Blow Dry Your Hair
1. To make blow drying go quicker, consider putting your hair up and blow dry according to section, beginning with the lower layers of hair.
2. Always make sure that your hair dries entirely. Otherwise, it will probably end up frizzy. You also will probably not get the hairstyling results that you are looking for.
3. Don’t begin blow drying your hair until you have towel dried it. You never want to begin brushing your hair when it is sopping wet.
4. If you plan to use any type of product in your hair, you should be sure to evenly distribute it throughout your hair after you have towel dried it and before you begin blow drying it.
5. For the best results, be sure to use a round brush. Other brushes will be less likely to give you the perfectly straight or wavy hair that you are aiming for.
6. On special occasions, have your hair washed and blown dry at a salon instead of doing it yourself for the best results.