Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pictures of Sedu Hair Styles

Sedu is a very good and effective hair straightener that is becoming more and more popular every day. That's why many people look for Sedu hair styles every day on the Internet.
Sedu Hair Styles
Sedu Hair Styles
fashion hairstyles -Sedu Hair Styles
Sedu Hair Styles
long Sedu Hair Style
Sedu Hair Styles
There are many other brands of hair flat irons out there in the market, but for a very special reason, Sedu has made its way through all of them and has been widely accepted as THE best hair straightening iron.

sedu short hairstyle
Sedu Hair Styles
sedu long hairstyle
Sedu Hair Styles
Many famous celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez are using this tool right now to get the perfect hair that you see they have. It's not their natural hair of course.

How can get salon quality highlights at home

I went to one of those places that sells salon products to the salons as well as the public and bought what I needed there.
highlights hair
Mix the product and use the straight end of the comb to go in and out and pick out very thin pieces of hair. Put foil under those strands you've picked out and put on the highlighting cream and fold it up nicely. Do many along the "top" part of your hair and use clips and do some underneath...depending on if your hair is layered or how it's cut, about 20 "foils" are usually enough. Start at the front and work one side of the head, then do the other and try to do it similarly and leave the back. Don't do TOO many the first time or you'll end up "all blonde".

If your hair is shorter and layered, remember to work down and make sure you've gotten strands from everywhere. The "top" part of your hair is the most important because that is what shows but remember not to overdo it. Don't be too "straight" in doing your hair either...or you will end up with that "row" of highlights which looks want it to be sporadic and not systematic.

If you are not sure, do just a few, and then you can go back and add more the next day, or in another few weeks.

I prefer the blonde type streak rather than the brownish ones (I have dark brown hair) as they look very nice when you use a straightening iron. The other ends up looking reddish which I don't like.

If you use the products you buy in stores, just do the little streaks all over the top part of your hair where it's visible, then work some streaks in under and in between.

DON'T make big wide globs unless you like that "chunking" look...if you are looking for soft fur like looking hair...the thin streaks look gorgeous, especially with the straight iron look.

If your hair is TOO streaked start over, die it brown or whatever and then in a week or two put highlights back in. I don't like touching up outgrown always miss a few here and there.

Mockingbird (produced By Eminem) - Eminem Mp3

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