Thursday, February 14, 2008

Who are emo kids

Who are emo kids

Word for teenagers that are listening emocore music is emo kids. Wide society thinks of emo kids as they are failures and that they are not strong enough so that they would hide emotions.They are shy, often quiet and sensitive. Emo kids like expresing feelings with writing songs about problems with depression and anger.

This is all because the world does not understand them. Even though their life is very hard for them they (emo kids) are in pain because of society prosecution. Word emo is being used today as a bad word. It is adressed to a homan which is suposed to be over emotional. Emocore music is being compared with bands of 1990. This music has no artistic definition and that is used only to get girls. Big piece of emo people today are mostly posers. Those people can make emo style self-destruct.

Mockingbird (produced By Eminem) - Eminem Mp3

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