Sunday, January 25, 2009

What to Expect During and After Treatment

It's comforting to know what you'll experience during and after your laser hair treatment sessions.

During laser hair removal, you'll wear goggles so your eyes won't be exposed to light from the laser.

At first, you will likely feel a stinging sensation, indicating that the laser has been activated. The treatment involves a series of impulses that cause prickling and a slight burning sensation. Your clinician may also apply a topical anesthetic to the area being treated to minimize discomfort, but most people can tolerate the procedure without it.

Some people have likened the feeling to that of a rubber band snapping against your skin. You might also detect the smell of singed hair, which is nothing to worry about.

The procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on the work you are having done. The smaller the area, the less time is involved, whereas a larger area, such as the back, may require several hours.

After laser hair removal, you may experience brief swelling and redness. Some people feel stinging and you may also experience a slight crusting of the skin. If the latter occurs, petroleum jelly (Vaseline) should be used to moisten the affected area.

Typically, most people don't have much redness at all. Don't expect, however, that all the hair will fall out right away — it may take as along as two weeks after treatment.

For the most part, you can return to your normal routine immediately, though you should avoid direct sun exposure. Be sure to use sunscreen with a high SPF. Some doctors also advise that you avoid exercise and strenuous activity for the first 24 hours so as not to perspire and cause increased irritation.

You should continue to avoid direct sun exposure and tanning booths for several weeks after treatment. Be careful when touching the treated areas: don't wax or pluck hairs, pick at the skin, or rub or scrub it. A gentle washing with soap and water is perfectly fine.

On average, people need between three and five sessions to really see results, meaning about 80% hair reduction in the area treated.

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